Friday, August 28, 2009

Gotta have it

Allan worked on a british client until midnight yesterday, so by the time we made it to the book launch party, it was closed, probably had been for a while.
It's the story of our lives, always missing out on the fun stuff because of work.
What can i say, Allan loves tattooing and we both love happy clients.
But the trip down to the gallery wasn't a complete waste, we had a nice walk and talk with Wookie and Louise, and look what we found when we got there!

A giant poster of the handsome Uncle Allan!
We didn't wanna steal this one, but we totally need to get our hands on one of those
Yes, we brought the dog along, he's still too sick to be home alone

I hope we'll get to see the book soon, we keep hearing good stuff about it from people who have seen it.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cute overload

Allan did this tattoo yesterday of Mathildas guinea pig.
I know it's up on his blog too, but i decided it was cute enough to post twice!

This is what the best guinea pig ever (or so we're told) really looks like
Oh, and i was sitting around googling squirrels (i had a reason, i don't just google random animals... ok, maybe i do that too...) when i came across these guys on Cute Overload!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Danish Tattooing by Jon Nordstrøm (with partial Uncle A nudity)

If you follow the other blog you may remember this post i did a while back about this tattoo book Allan was gonna be in.
So there's this book, Danish Tattooing, and Allan's in it.
Ok, seriously, here's what it's all about (official press release from the publisher):

"Danish Tattooing by Jon Nordstrøm

New book offers unique insight into a colourful tradition from 1895 onwards and portrays the strong, Danish characters behind body art.
”Danish Tattooing” traces the visual development from 1895 up to the present day, with the Golden Age of the 1960s particularly rich on fascinating tales from a rough scene. The book is full of anecdotes and historical photographs of larger-than-life characters and tattooing hotspots: the raw Nyhavn, where sailors and drunk Swedes got their tattoos, and the even rougher Istedgade, which developed into a new tattooing hub in the 1980s. Actually, Copenhagen was the heart and soul of tattooing in Scandinavia until the mid-seventies.
The book returns to the present by portraying 14 working tattoo artists, along with their distinctive artwork – from classic designs to the latest graffiti and hip-hop styles. This is the new generation that will trace the next chapters in the history of Danish tattooing.
The book is in both Danish and English and will be released by Nordstroms Forlag on August 29. In connection with the release, pictures from the book will be exhibited at the KPH-Volume gallery, 80-82 Enghavevej, Copenhagen SV. Open: Saturday, August 29 to Monday, August 31.
The book will be available in Danish bookstores, at most tattoo conventions or through Gentleman’s Tattoo Flash."

The sweet cover
The handsomest man in the whole land
It's full of awesome machine goodness...
... Danish tattoo history...
... and rare flash
Oh, and me and Lucifer are in it too (i look stupid, but Lucifer is a natural!)

If you're in Copenhagen you should go check out the exhibition this weekend.
If you're not from around here, you can still pick up the book at a convention or through the good people at Gentleman’s Tattoo Flash.
As the press release says, it's in both Danish and English, so in addition to looking at the pretty pictures you'll be able to read it too.

Monday, August 24, 2009

They're very wise, you know

Newest addition to our collection of crap: the business card owl!
And while we're on the subject of owls, Lewis did this the other day
Also in the news; our wounded mascot is back at work, but it'll be a while before he back to being his usual charming and mobile self

E.P. NEWS >>>>

>>> Postcard from the Atlantic !

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Look at him go!

Lewis worked at the shop today.
His first tattoo here was on your friend Christel whose sole purpose in life seems to be to get tattoos that'll make me jealous.
Well, mission accomplished.

The Rockblomst shreds!
Looking at this guy makes me happy

More guest artist awesomeness tomorrow!

Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Tattoo- The process of tattooing

The art of tattooing is not a difficult task at all. The people who seek to join this profession will know that a little training is all they need and they can become tattoo professionals. The basic technique of tattooing involves a stencil and the gun machines that engrave the tattoo in to the skin with a proper ink. First the customer selects the design that he or she wished to support on their body. Then an outline or a pattern of that design is made. The right body part for the design is selected and the outline of the design is tattooed on that body part using a stencil. For the outlining a gun machine is used which engraves the outline in black ink. Then the lines are filled with colorful ink giving shape to the proper tattoo that the customer wanted to wear.
tattoo studio
So the next time you ask yourself ‘how to tattoo?’ just follow the above techniques or search for the detailed process on the internet. But it is to be taken care of that no one should try to tattoo with out any professional guidance as it can be very dangerous. A little training from the professionals is necessary. The art of tattooing involves a good imagination and creativity. It is the talent of those who can think innovatively and come up with new ideas that can catch the attention of all. A tattoo needs to be striking to look at and endearing to one who supports it. The art of tattooing involves talent and is not a cup of tea for every body.

Cute tattoo for girls

Hi there, today I will present a cute tattoo to you.
cute tattoo girls
Yes, Every girl love cute things,including a cute girls tattoo which looks fantastic. However it can be hard to choose a cute girl tattoo as there as so many cute designs out there! How to choose one without regret? You can browse tattoo galleries online and find the perfect one.
You will find the cute girls tattoo designs are often small, but very adorable! This is due to females having smaller bodies than males are choosing to have a small cute tattoo rather than a large tattoo – like the sleeve tattoo for example. As these appear more cute and more feminine but this opinion varies between girls.

Some other cute girls tattoos include: Butterfly tattoos, tribal tattoos, star tattoos (shooting star especially), heart tattoos and zodiac tattoos to name a few. These are all amazing designs and look great on a female.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

"I hope you like huge trees..."

Sanna had another session on her backpiece on friday.
This one was kind of a short one, but a good one nonetheless.


To be continued in about a month!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It deserved a picture post

Thanks again, Kajsa!

Like cake, in Cph today?

If you're one of the few people not out protesting last nights acts of police brutality, like we would be if we weren't working, come by for a piece of Kajsa's cake of icing-doom!

It's awesome and we're totally gonna eat it all, but we could probably use some help.
Hurry and we'll throw in a cup of coffee!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Celebrity Tattoos

Christina Ricci

The child star probably is most well known for her role as Wednesday in the Addam's Family movies has several tattoos of her own. Christina's tattoos range from text tattoos, to traditional tattoos, to girly tattoos and so on.

Here's a list of Christina's tattoos:

1. A lion on her right shoulder blade. It is suppose to be Aslan from the book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Which was one of Christina's favorite books as a child.
2. A fairy on the inside of her right wrist.
3. Praying hands on her left hip, which used to be a bat.
4. A bouquet of sweetpeas on her lower back.
5. The words "Move or Bleed" on the left side of her ribcage.
6. The name "Jack" on her right thigh for a dead pet.
7. A sparrow on her right breast.
8. A mermaid on her left ankle.

Christina Ricci has confessed her love for tattoos, but knows that being an actress in Hollywood you have to be careful where you get your tattoos. As of right now all her tattoos are in places that can be covered up fairly easily. Because a lot of time producers in movies do not like their actress's to be covered in tattoos, because it is a pain to have to cover them up with make up if their clothes do not cover them up. However, Christina is hoping that she will become super famous one day so she can get a tattoo on her arm.

"I can't wait until I'm super-famous. I'm at the point when I should really hide them, because directors don't like them. When I'm really, really super famous, I'm going to get one on my arm - because nobody cares then."

Monday, August 10, 2009